状态不好9月鸽了十月继续鸽吧……别问 问就是没钱 问就是刚分手 别问不是我被甩了 是我甩别人了 我难受可以了把 还有最近出差比较多 根本没个固定点 长沙 衡阳 郴州 常德 到处跑 人都没了

最近被叫去跟一个大项目,项目部上差不多暂时只能打电话……网络信号特别差发个图都要几分钟,今早刚忙完溜到县城开了房发个消息,后面有网了我会冒泡更新的,估计要到下个月去了。狗哥留 项目上网络好了 我晚上尽力开更 11-07


额 我要成鸽子王了……11月到过年前 怕是没得办法更新了………………






今年在项目上过年 一个好消息是 项目上通网了 哈哈哈  那么我有时间就慢慢更新  一个好消息 游戏资源我全放出来了




请假回家休息了几天明天去另外一个项目上 估计又有几天更新不成了。。。。。不过挺好半年终于休息了几天 我可是过年都没放假啊 不过在30号发了几千块生活费…..


昨晚想想如果vps服务商整体给我做调整的话…啥时候迁移的我还不知道,所以图片vps和kms+在线观影的 我先在今天迁移走把 然后在重新选位置 在把数据迁移过去

简单点 目标主机数据迁移至暂存主机 目标主机切换服务器机房 暂存主机数据迁移至 新机房就好

迁移到暂存主机上了,尼玛目标主机更新失败明天再试我去  部分原文 这个vps服务商我用了3年多了唉听到小道消息裁员ing 怕跑路

You have a service that’s eligible for migration to our new Ryzen servers, with much faster processing power and disk speeds, with no price increase. IPv6 will also become available at a later time, and many new locations are available. Most of you should be able to request a self-serve migration without data if you desire, by navigating to your service page and using the Ryzen migrate/upgrade button. Please only use this option if you do not mind re-installing your operating system (this is optional.)

There will be many upcoming migration maintenance windows.

We will publish these on our website on the network status page. If your service becomes part of a migration, you’ll receive another email with the date but you can always also check the network status page. Please note, many migrations are coming up so support requests will be temporarily delayed. When a service is migrated, it will go offline for a few hours and return back with a new IP address. You can check your service details page for the new IP address and if networking is not functional, you can use the reconfigure network button. We’ll generally send further communication when possible providing this information to you in a ticket as well.

Please also note, due to the quantity of migrations, it is possible in some situations there will be a short notice so please keep an eye out for a migration email. We’ll still try our best to provide this information as soon as possible and with 72 hours to 1 week advance notice but in some cases it may occur as early as 24 hours or as an emergency maintenance window should you be on an older node that happens to face hardware problems.

There will be no increase in service cost. We highly recommend you begin backing up any important data. While we keep emergency backups and do not suspect any issues, it’s always good practice to back up your files. It’s also possible that for some services on extremely old operating systems, there may be compatibility issues when you move to new hardware, so we recommend updating your operating system. The most common fix for this issue would be requesting that we change the CPU settings on your service, so please mention this in your ticket title should you run into this problem.

Old operating systems may not function. If you install an operating system and see an error on VNC, please install the latest operating system instead. If new operating systems are not available for your old service, please contact us and let us know. We will continue adding these to old services automatically in the meantime. Please check both your service details page re-install option as well as the re-install option directly after clicking the VPS Control Panel button.

New locations & free location changes:

We now have Tokyo, Frankfurt, Denver, Miami, and Phoenix locations available. You may change your location by using the self-serve migration without data option. We currently have no option to change locations for free with data, so if you want to change locations, you must re-install your operating system.


哎呀 服务商在做机房维护调整,已经提前下通知了整体机房跑路到另外一个地方,要么自己选择换机房,然后自己做数据迁移 要么等着他们迁移 so我等他们迁移吧 虽然我已经保存好了图库站点服务器的资源,但是我现在还不想动 所以就等他们动吧 –20220623